Twisted Pair Technologies

Complete Data, Connectivity & Voice Solutions


02920 099966

Who We Work With

Since 2010, we have been delivering innovative solutions to some of the world’s largest and most prestigious organizations. Our expertise spans across various industries, helping businesses and government bodies alike achieve reliable and cutting-edge connectivity. Below is a selection of sectors we have served:

Defence / Military: Providing secure and robust communication networks.

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Case Study:
General Dynamics: Copper Cable Network


Pharmaceutical Industries: Ensuring seamless data transfer and network reliability.


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Manufacturing Sector: Installing resilient networks to maintain smooth operations.


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Case Study:
Sony: Fibre Optic Network


Government Bodies: Supporting digital transformation with secure, scalable communication infrastructure.




Energy Sector: Implementing high-performance networks for critical infrastructure monitoring and management.


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Facilities Management: Enhancing connectivity for streamlined operations.


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At Twisted Pair Technologies, we pride ourselves on delivering tailored communication solutions that meet the unique demands of each industry we serve. Whether it’s through fibre optic installation, copper cabling, wireless networks, phone systems, or broadband services, we ensure that your network infrastructure is reliable, secure, and future-proof.

With over a decade of experience working with some of the largest companies and government bodies around the world, our track record speaks for itself. Our clients trust us because we not only provide high-quality installations but also offer ongoing support and expertise, ensuring that their systems remain efficient and adaptable to changing needs.

Choose us for our commitment to excellence, proven expertise, and a partnership-driven approach that puts your business at the forefront of connectivity innovation. Your success is our priority.

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