Twisted Pair Technologies

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02920 099966

Ultra fast WIFI installation at Gregynog Hall

Ultra fast WIFI installation at Gregynog Hall

Project Overview

Client: Greynog Hall - The University of Wales
Location: Gregynog Mid Wales
Date: April 2017
Greynog Hall is a superb 16th century manor house in Mid Wales. Owned by the University of Wales and used widely for conferences and events by the public, students and professionals throughout the country. The existing WIFI system was slow, insecure and patchy, with a mixture of manufactures and no central management. The legacy WIFI system was served by 15 access points from Cisco, Level One, Netgear and D-Link. These were a mix of technologies from 802.11g single band to 802.11n dual band, running with no network security and served by one 6 Mbit ADSL internet connection. With no method of limiting network access at peak times the whole system slowed to a crawl.

The Challenge and Solution

Our challenge was to provide a comprehensive WIFI network throughout the building while being sympathetic to the Grade 2 listed structure.

Initially the building was surveyed to test how how many access points would be required to serve the whole building. The final solution involved installing:

  • 18x 802.11ac Dual band Wireless access points
  • 5x Layer 2 managed POE switches
  • 1x On-site hybrid cloud controller
  • 1x Network router
  • 1x 100 Mbit leased line

A key part of the solution involved finding new cable routes through the building without disturbing any of the existing features.

Gregynog Hall WIFI heatmap

Click image to see a larger version

The new system now features multiple WIFI networks providing different levels of service for, public, private and conference users.

Seamless roaming is now possible throughout the building and for the first time WIFI calling can be used. This is extremely useful as mobile phone coverage is almost non existent in the main building.

A central management console provides full system administration, statistics and user management.

The system can be managed from a tablet, phone or PC either on-site or remotely. Providing complete control of the network from anywhere on any device.

WIFI stats dashboard

Click image to see a larger version

For more information on Gregynog Hall please see their website or their WIKI page

Key Accomplishments

  • Blanket WIFI coverage in grade 2 listed building
  • Upgrade of all core switches and infrastructure
  • 16x Increaase in download speed 60x Increase in upload speed
  • Working with BT Openreach to facilitate new fibre optic leased line
  • Update to 802.11ac with full L2 management, and QoS
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