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More Than Motorways: The Many Uses of ANPR Technology

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ANPR automatic number plate recognition image with plate identified

Previously we introduced the world of ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) systems through the prism of cult Channel 4 show Hunted. Exploring the techniques investigators use to track criminals in the UK, the show exemplified ANPR’s use as a method of tracking and surveilling our roads and motorways, keeping tabs on wrongdoers – but there’s so much more to this technology than catching criminals on the run.

While the surveillance of fugitives may be at the more glamorous “James Bond” end of the spectrum, there are numerous applications in which ANPR is used for much more everyday, prosaic purposes. There may be over 8,000 ANPR cameras lining British roads today, but this number pales compared to the number of privately owned ANPR systems in operation in the UK.

While picturing a nation of bounty hunters may be romantic – these private users are not out to catch wanted criminals. Instead, these ANPR cameras are being used to perform a diverse range of incredibly practical tasks, from car park operation to security.

With the ANPR market set to expand by 13.5% annually over in the US, increasing numbers of businesses, local governments and other buyers are discovering the power of number plate recognition technology and the helpfulness of automatically storing the images captured as easy to access and utilise digital data. As you can see, there’s much more to ANPR than motorways. Here are a few common uses for the technology:

Parking & ANPR

Car park imageAs ANPR technology becomes more sophisticated, increasing numbers of car parks are now embracing the system as a way to offer ticketless car parking and more accurate car park control.

ANPR in car parks has lots of very impressive functions, from vehicle location (no need to ever remember your parking spot again!) and theft prevention, to easy automated payment processes.

Access Control & ANPR

A powerful way to implement better security even on large-scale sites, ANPR is a really great tool for access control, ideal for storing the details of predefined groups to either allow or bar entry. From event logging and access diaries, to better car pool management – there are many security and logistics applications for ANPR on private sites.

Electronic Toll Collection & ANPR

Hyper-efficient tolling is a great way to minimise admin and costs while saving time and resources, reducing travel time, wait time and easing congestion. ANPR makes it possible for a toll to be automatically sent to motorists with no need to stop and pay.

There are many other applications for this technology including:

  • Traffic monitoring
  • Visitor analysis
  • Vehicle screening

Would you like to learn more about how ANPR could function as part of your business? Our systems are trusted by organisations across the UK to provide data, minimise costs and improve efficiency. To find out more about working with ANPR contact our team today!

[Licence plate image credit]

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